Donald Trump Vows to Sue Sexual Assault Accusers, Lays Out Plan for First 100 Days in Office

Donald Trump was speaking to a crowd in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. Total fabrication," the Republican presidential nominee said Saturday afternoon. "The [alleged] events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."

The nation's mainstream media is "corrupt," Trump said. "They lie and fabricate stories to make a candidate that is not their preferred choice look as bad and even dangerous as possible. They're trying to poison the mind of the American voter."

He proposed mandatory two-year minimum prison sentences for undocumented immigrants who illegally return after deportation and a mandatory five-year minimum sentence for convicted felons caught unlawfully reentering the country. Currently, the law states that an undocumented immigrant who commits illegal reentry can be punished with a fine, imprisonment for not more than two years, or both a fine and imprisonment.

Trump delivered the speech, which he billed as his “closing argument” to lay out the “important core principles” of his campaign for the White House, in a hotel in the historic town near where President Abraham Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address in 1863. The ballroom at The Eisenhower Hotel was filled with members from the state’s Republican Party.

“President Lincoln served in a time of division like we've never seen before. It is my hope that we can look at his example, to heal the divisions we are living through right now," he said. "We are a very divided nation."