What Donald Trump's Rivals Need to Do to Catch Up

Donald Trump leaps ahead, but it's not over ... yet.

“It's going to be an amazing two months,” he said. “We might not even need the two months folks, to be honest, right?”

The GOP front-runner’s confidence makes sense: With three straight wins, he looks increasingly likely to be on a glide path to land the Republican nomination.

But there’s still hope for some of his rivals, and here’s a look at what they would need to do to catch up to Trump:

Rubio: The Candidate Who Needs to Clear the Field

With the first four nominating contests in the rear-view mirror and no victories to show for it, a Rubio nomination would defy existing precedent that every eventual nominee has won at least one of the early states.

"We have a dynamic where as long as there are four people running, dividing up the non-Trump vote, you'll get results like last night,” he said in an interview with NBC News. “The sooner we can narrow the race down, the easier it'll be to stop Donald Trump.”

Cruz: Don’t Mess With Texas

“I want to thank the great people of Nevada,” the Texas senator said, “and I want to say I cannot wait to get home to the great state of Texas.”

At stake when Texans head to the polls on Super Tuesday are a whopping 251 delegates up for the taking. It’s a must-win for the home-state senator.

Kasich: A Miracle in Michigan

Kasich placed an ad buy in Vermont today, one of the other Super Tuesday states in which the former Ohio governor is likely to be a threat.

Midwestern states more friendly to Kasich come later in the cycle, after Trump has likely won several Super Tuesday states: Michigan votes March 8, and then Kasich’s home state of Ohio votes March 15. But even Trump taunted him in his speech Tuesday night.

“We're going to do very well in Ohio. We're beating the governor,” he said. “That's good. It's always nice to be beating the governor.”

Still, Ohio is a large winner-takes-all prize, which would help boost Kasich’s dwindling delegate count.

Carson: The ‘Undaunted’ Doctor

“We remain undaunted,” the retired neurosurgeon said in a statement. “We’ve barely finished the first inning, and there’s a lot of game left.”

This coming from the candidate who finished a distant fourth in the Silver State, sixth in South Carolina, eighth in New Hampshire and fourth in Iowa.

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