Donald Trump’s Tax Plan Not Always as It Seems

Even the GOP front-runner agrees it's a proposal in the works.

“I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do and income than I do,” he said this weekend.

But what Trump says about his tax proposal, which he released in February, and what it actually proposes are two different things in some cases. His proposal promised tax relief for middle-class Americans, for instance, and proposed tax cuts for the very highest income households (people like him).

“They will go up a little bit. And they may go up, you know,” he began.

Stephanopoulos interjected, “But they're going down in your plan.”

“No, no, in my plan they're going down, but by the time it's negotiated, they'll go up,” Trump concluded.

Trump attempted to clarify his thinking on CNN this morning, saying he was referring to adjustments in his proposal, not the existing tax code.

“Now, if I increase it on the wealthy, they're still going to pay less than they pay now.” Trump said. "I'm not talking about increasing from this point. I'm talking about increasing from my tax proposal."

Trump’s proposal also says that no business “of any size” will pay more than 15 percent of its income in taxes. But on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, Trump implied that number could change.

“We're the highest taxed nation in the world. Our businesses pay more taxes than any businesses in the world. That's why companies are leaving.

“So they may have to pay a little bit more than my proposal,” he said, adding that they would still get a tax cut.

"In short,” he added “it's devoid of solutions for the working- and middle-class Americans that Trump purports to represent."

Perhaps all this is moot. As Trump told Stephanopoulos in regard to getting the plan through Congress, “By the time it gets negotiated, it's going to a different plan.”

And added a tweeted caveat: