Donna Brazile has message for those who want her to 'shut up'

"If they don't like my book, don't buy it," Brazile said of her tell-all book.

"You know what I tell them, ‘Go to hell.’ I’m going to tell my story," Brazile said, ahead of the release of her new book on the 2016 election, “Hacks: The Inside Story Of The Break-Ins And Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump In The White House.”

“I didn’t want to have a plan B. Plan A was great for me," the former Democratic chair said. "I supported Hillary and I wanted her to win, but we were under pressure.”

As DNC chair, Brazile did not have the power to replace the nominee on her own, but she could have initiated the process.

Brazile had taken over as chair of the DNC during the Democratic National Convention in July 2016, following the resignation of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., amid fallout from WikiLeaks emails that appeared to show favoritism by DNC officials toward Clinton over her primary opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders.

“This is something you play out in your mind,” Brazile told Stephanopoulos on "This Week." “The bottom line is [Clinton] resumed campaigning. I went on TV to say that the campaign was back on track.”

Top Clinton staffers wrote an open letter responding to Brazile, saying they were “shocked” to learn the former DNC chair considered replacing Clinton.

“It is particularly troubling and puzzling that [Brazile] would seemingly buy into false Russian-fueled propaganda, spread by both the Russians and our opponent, about our candidate’s health,” former Hillary for America staffers wrote in the letter published Saturday night.

Stephanopoulos said some "passionate Democrats" feel betrayed by Brazile's account. "Any regrets?" he asked.

"Do I regret taking on a job the second time in my life as chair of the party, cleaning up everyone's mess, taking all of the incoming, being unable to spend funds that I raised?" Brazile said. "Do I regret being ... hacked by the Russians?"