New Email Between Clinton and IT Staffer Who Pleaded Fifth

An anti-Clinton group is suggesting this email contradicts her sworn testimony.

The content of the 2012 email is mundane: Clinton is asking Pagliano to fix her BlackBerry, which has receiving message; but it may be significant in other ways.

First, it represents only the second known email recovered between Clinton and Pagliano, aside from a birthday message he sent her in 2012.

And second, some say it may be perceived by as yet another blow to her trustworthiness.

That's because in sworn testimony submitted as part of a separate email-related lawsuit also brought by Judicial Watch, Clinton says she does not recall having any communication with Pagliano about maintaining her private email account. In that testimony Clinton submitted that some version of the answer that "she does not recall" on 20 separate occasions.

"Secretary Clinton states that she does not recall having communications with Bryan Pagliano concerning or relating to the management, preservation, deletion, or destruction of any e-mails in her email account," the testimony reads.

Read the emails here:

“These new emails leave little doubt that Hillary Clinton was less than forthright and misled the public when she wrote, under oath, that she ‘couldn’t recall’ communicating with Bryan Pagliano about her email scheme,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Clinton and her agents deleted these emails time and time again."

While many like Judicial Watch feel Clinton was misleading, it's unlikely Clinton's words will cause her any legal troubles. Her declaration that she does not recall is far different from claiming there was no communication.

Clinton's campaign has yet to respond to a request for comment about this new email.