GOP Chairman Reince Priebus Touts Trump's Momentum

Reince Priebus said, "There are lots of pathways to get to 270" electoral votes.

"I don't think we're fighting from behind. We've got the momentum," Priebus said on ABC News' "This Week," adding "we feel good."

"There are lots of pathways to get to 270," he said of the threshold of electoral votes needed to win the presidency -- calling Colorado "is a jump ball," claiming that Republicans are "ahead of our pace in Nevada," and labeling Michigan, a state that hasn't voted Republican since 1988, "an absolute toss-up."

Democrats are the ones who are down, Priebus said, alleging that early voting does not tell the full story.

"I think barring some sort of year 2000 type of an election, sure, if it's clear, then obviously that would be the case," Priebus said.