GOP Debate: Christie and Rubio Square Off in Fiery Exchange

The New Jersey Governor went after the Florida Senator.

The exchange started when Christie was asked to comment about Rubio's preparedness to run for president, previously calling the first term senator "the boy in the bubble."

"First, let's remember something. Every morning when a United States senator wakes up, they think about what kind of speech can I give, or what kind of bill can I drop? Every morning, when I wake up, I think about, what kind of problem do I need to solve for the people who actually elected me?" Christie said.

As for the vote in question, which was on the Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act of 2015, Rubio was not the only senator missing for the vote: they all were. The bill was passed by unanimous consent which does not require senators to be physically on the floor.

Throughout the back-and-forth, Christie attacked what he called "the memorized 25-second speech that is exactly what [Rubio's] advisers gave him" about President Obama.

All told, the exchange lasted roughly five minutes, and included at least two of Christie's signature podium leans.

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