GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Mike Pence on Birtherism: 'It's Over'

“I think Donald Trump put an end to this issue,” Pence said on "This Week."

— -- Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence has declared birtherism -- the notion that President Obama wasn’t born in the United States -- “over.”

Pence acknowledged this fact before his running mate, telling reporters in early September that he believes Obama was born in Hawaii.

“It is fact,” Pence said. “And Donald Trump and I have both acknowledged that without hesitation.”

He said birtherism is a “sidebar issue” and that “the American people aren’t focused on the debates of the past."

“Throughout this campaign, he hasn't been talking about it,” Pence said of Trump. “He's been talking about the need to have a stronger America at home and abroad.”

“I have a lot of respect for Secretary Gates, and worked with him during my years on the foreign affairs committee. But he's just wrong,” he said.

Pence also sought to explain what Trump meant Friday when he said that Clinton’s contingent of Secret Service officers should disarm and “let’s see what happens to her.”

He said allegations that Trump was inciting violence against the Democratic nominee are “absolute nonsense.”

“His comment was that if she didn't have all that security, she'd change her attitude about the right to keep and bear arms. And I'll bet that's probably true,” Pence said.