Gov. Mike Pence Stands by Opposition to Donald Trump's Muslim Ban

"I've taken issue with candidates from time to time," the Indiana Governor said.

"I’ve taken issue with candidates from time to time," the Republican governor told ABC's Tom Llamas during a press gaggle today. "But I’m supporting Donald Trump to be president of the United States of America."

Fast forward to now, Pence is campaigning with Trump later tonight at a campaign rally in Westfield and is frequently mentioned as a potential Vice President pick for Trump.

When pressed for an answer as to whether he could share a ticket with Trump despite disagreeing with him on this issue, Pence continued to pivot by saying Trump would bring the kind of change the country needs.

"Look, I served in Congress for 12 years, I’ve been governor for three and a half years. I haven’t agreed with every one of my Republican colleagues or Democratic colleagues on every issue. But I’m supporting Donald Trump because we need change in this country," he said. "I believe he represents the kind of strong leadership at home and abroad that will, to borrow a phrase, make America great again."

Pence also said regardless of who Trump ultimately picks to be his running mate, Trump is “going to assemble a great team around him” and “have a great message.”