Hillary Clinton Advises New Yorkers to Take ISIS 'Seriously' on 'Live With Kelly and Michael'

Hillary Clinton strutted onto the set of "Live! with Kelly and Michael" today.

“I think you always have to take them seriously,” Clinton said of any ISIS threats to New York City. “One thing that you just have to accept is that when they make threats, they may be some distance from being able to deliver on those threats themselves, but they're hoping that some discontented person or group right here in our country will hear that threat.”

She added: "I take all these threats seriously but I don't think people should take them personally in the sense that they shouldn't interfere with how we live our lives."

The former senator from New York also encouraged parents to talk to their children about the ISIS chatter they may be overhearing in schools and in the news.

“I think you have to be honest with your kids and answer their questions sort of in a way that corresponds to their understanding and their age,” said Clinton, 68, herself a mother and grandmother. “But you also have to tell them that, you know, not to let those threats in any way kind of upset their minds or make them be afraid to go out.”

“He really knows how to grab attention and hold on to it and milk it for all it's worth,” Clinton said. “He was a reality-TV personality. And you learn a lot doing that, so he's very comfortable in front of a camera.”

Clinton, a Democrat, also said, “If he and I were to run against each other, I would be pleased on one ground, which is that I would not be the only person whose hairstyle was a topic of conversation.”

“You need to be constantly asking for other people's opinions. And for me and Bill, it was exactly like that. You know, ‘What do you think? Here's what I think and how would you do this?’” Clinton said. “And I would expect to be able to, you know, rely on his many years of experience in the same way.”

And with Thanksgiving only one week a way, the presidential candidate gave a peak into what Turkey Day is like with the Clintons.

“About 15 years ago now, we began to invite a lot of Chelsea's friends who were foreigners and they had never heard of Thanksgiving and didn't know anything about it and then started to invite more young Americans who were her friends who couldn't go home,” Clinton said.

“We have just the greatest extended family experience and now they're coming back with their children and so it just is a special time.”