Hillary Clinton Challenges Bernie Sanders to ‘Join the Democrats’ on Gun Control

Hillary Clinton questions Bernie Sanders Democratic bona fides on gun control

“ISIL training videos are telling lone wolfs the easiest way to buy a combat assault weapon in America is at a gun show, and it's because of the flip-flopping political approach of Washington that both of my two colleagues on the stage have represented for the last 40 years,” O’Malley said.

Clinton and Sanders both objected to O’Malley’s characterization, with Clinton calling on him to “tell the truth.”

Sanders defended his record on guns while representing the state of Vermont, a state with strong pro-gun rights community, and pushed back against the former governor of a predominantly Democratic state.

"So please do not explain to me coming from a state where democratic governors and Republican governors have supported virtually no gun control, do not tell me,” Sanders said in retort.

Sanders’ record on gun control has proven to be an Achilles heel in his campaign, with Sanders' record of voting against the Brady bill that mandated background checks and a formerly held position that gun manufacturers shouldn’t be held responsible for mass shootings coming under scrutiny.

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