Hillary Clinton Condemns Donald Trump’s ‘Insults’ of ‘Genuine War Hero’ John McCain

"It's shameful," she said.

During her headlining speech at a Democratic dinner in Little Rock, Ark. Clinton called Trump’s assertion “shameful” and described McCain as a “genuine war hero.”

“Donald Trump, finally a candidate whose hair gets more attention that mine,” Clinton quipped.

“But, there’s nothing funny about the hate he is spewing at immigrants and their families, and now the insults he’s directed at a genuine war hero, Senator John McCain,” she added. “It’s shameful, and so is the fact that it took so long for most of his fellow Republican candidates to start standing up to him.”

Earlier today, Trump came under fire for saying at a campaign event in Iowa that McCain is only a war hero “because he was captured.”

“I have known John McCain for more than thirty years. We've had our share of disagreements and still do today. But one thing I know is beyond debate is that John McCain is a hero, a man of grit and guts and character personified,” Kerry said in a statement released tonight.

Clinton made her attack against Trump during her first trip back to Arkansas since becoming a presidential candidate.

Looking out at the many familiar faces she saw in the crowd, Clinton thanked her longtime friends: “I hope you know that you mean the world to me and my family,” she said.