Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump: 'Basta! Enough!'

Hillary Clinton bashed Donald Trump over his immigration remarks.

“It was appalling to hear Donald Trump describe immigrants as drug dealers, criminals and rapists,” she said to the National Council of La Raza. “When people and business everywhere rejected his hateful comments, did he apologize? No. He doubled down. It is shameful and no one should stand for it.”

She continued to bash the rest of the Republican field for their reluctance to condemn the real estate mogul's comments.

“Why did it take weeks for most of you to speak out?” she asked. “You’re normally such a talkative bunch. Suddenly you have nothing to say!”

But Trump fired back on Tuesday morning, saying that Clinton was “knowingly putting out lies” about his positions on immigration. He said that his comments were aimed at the country of Mexico – not immigrants themselves.

“I am honored, however, that she is attacking me, instead of Jeb Bush,” he said in a statement. “Obviously she knows that Jeb is no longer her real competition. The last person she wants to face is Donald Trump.”

“He should tell that to the fruit farmers breaking their backs in Southern California. Or to the dish washers working their hands raw in the kitchens in Las Vegas,” she said. “They don’t need a lecture. They need a raise!”

Clinton said that she will fight for a “real path to citizenship,” while protecting President Obama’s executive action, and, if Congress doesn’t act, doing “everything possible under the law to go even further.”