Hillary Clinton Nicknames Donald Trump the ‘Presumptuous Nominee’

The presidential hopeful gives Trump a taste of his own name-calling medicine.

During a campaign event in Oakland, California, on Friday at La Escuelita Elementary School, the Democratic presidential front-runner prescribed a new name for the man who is being called the Republican presumptive nominee: The “presumptuous nominee.”

“Their presumptive nominee, otherwise called their presumptuous nominee,” Clinton told the crowd to laughter, referring to the Republicans, "has made it really clear he basically said wages are too high in America. And that’s why he doesn’t think we need to raise the minimum wage. And I gotta tell you I ask myself all the time, who he is talking to?”

Over the past week, Clinton has also referred to Trump as a “loose cannon.”

"Donald Trump turns around and says, ‘Oh I don’t care if other countries get nuclear weapons,’” Clinton said during a campaign event in East Los Angeles Thursday. "That is the kind of risk this country cannot afford to take. That is dangerous, that’s like a loose cannon that we cannot afford, right?"

Trump, meanwhile, refers to Clinton as “Crooked Hillary.” He also had nicknames for his former rivals: "Lyin’ Ted" for Ted Cruz, "Little Marco" for Marco Rubio, and Jeb “Low Energy” Bush.

Clinton, who finished a two-day campaign swing through California Friday evening, ahead of the state's June 7 primary, has almost entirely shifted her focus to Donald Trump.

“Even if I weren’t running for president I would be doing everything I could to make sure that the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party never gets near the White House,” she said at the campaign event in Oakland. Earlier in the day, she visited a campaign office in Oakland, as well.

She went after Trump on a string of issues, including his views on women and foreign policy.

"Of course he doesn’t think much of equal pay for women because of course he doesn’t think much of women it turns out,” Clinton said.

Clinton also called Trump's plans “reckless” on foreign policy and immigration.

"Donald Trump has doubled down on his intention to deport 11 or 12 million Americans. He’s even now talking about what he calls a deportation force," Clinton exclaimed. "Can you imagine? Can you imagine the police and military action inside our borders? Knocking on doors? Hauling people out of their beds and their workplaces, 11 or 12 million? Well that is the picture he is painting and he needs to be repudiated."

She then repeated a favorite line. “I have said,” she said, “Basta! Basta!” (Meaning: “Enough!”)