What's Next in Hillary Clinton Email Investigation and What's at Stake

As the FBI investigation winds down, what it means for the Clinton campaign.

As the FBI closes in on its decision, here's a look back at what got her to this point and what’s at stake going forward.

What Got Her Here?

As the emails were slowly produced, the inspector general for the intelligence community believed there was enough cause to ask the FBI to investigate whether classified information was mishandled via that account. The State Department later said that 22 of her emails couldn’t be published because they contained top secret information. And a Washington Post analysis of the final production counts 104 emails she personally wrote that were deemed classified.

Where Does the Investigation Stand?

The FBI will be interviewing Clinton in the coming days, meaning the investigation may be nearing a conclusion about whether to levy any criminal indictments. Law enforcement sources tell ABC News that so far they are not aware of any evidence indicating criminal wrongdoing.

The FBI's upcoming interview with Clinton, who is well coached on the issue, is unlikely to change that. Her campaign has long maintained she never mishandled sensitive material and said recently it is “confident the review will conclude that nothing inappropriate took place."

But the FBI was able to recover many of the emails that Clinton herself deleted, and it hasn’t said if anything new or incriminating might have been gleaned from those files. And her top IT staffer, Bryan Pagliano, has been offered immunity by the Justice Department and is said to be cooperating with the investigation. He might have insight into some of the more critical questions, such as whether the intent of the private server was to hide information from the public and if it was ever hacked by foreign entities.

What's at Stake?

At stake is the fate of Clinton’s presidential campaign. It’s more than plausible that a criminal indictment, however unlikely, would derail her bid and force the Democratic party to put someone else on the ticket. And if Clinton were to be indicted for sending classified information over a private email server outside of government control, some might argue that other secretaries of state should face similar charges.

Editors Note: Originally this story incorrectly stated that Hillary Clinton's aide Cheryl Mills also had an account on that private server. On Oct. 17, 2016 this story was corrected to state that it was only her aide Huma Abedin who also had an address there.