Hillary Clinton Fires Back at Donald Trump for NRA Remarks

Trump accused Clinton of trying to take away the Second Amendment.

In return, Clinton accused Trump of pandering to the gun lobby and for calling for "dangerous" gun policies.

Speaking to a roomful of mothers who have lost children to gun violence, Clinton specifically criticized Trump's proposal to mandate that every school in the country allow guns in classrooms.

"That idea isn’t just way out there, it's dangerous," Clinton said.

"Parents, teachers and schools should have the right to keep guns out of classrooms. Just like Donald Trump does at many of his hotels by the way," she added.

Security and staff at several of Trump's hotels and golf courses have told ABC News that guests are not allowed to carry guns there. The Trump Organization, meanwhile, claims that's not true.

Trump was quick to respond to Clinton’s remarks.

“Crooked Hillary said that I want guns brought into the school classroom. Wrong!” he tweeted.

In January, Trump painted a different picture.

"I will get rid of gun-free zones on schools, and — you have to — and on military bases,” he said at a campaign event in Burlington, VT. "My first day, it gets signed, okay? My first day. There's no more gun-free zones.”

On Friday, Trump received the endorsement of the NRA after he delivered remarks at the organization's annual convention in Louisville, Kentucky.

The Clinton campaign immediately denounced Trump’s characterization of her position on guns, tweeting: "You're wrong, @realDonaldTrump. We can uphold Second Amendment rights while preventing senseless gun violence."

The campaign is also fundraising off of it.

ABC News’ Candace Smith and Chris Good contributed to this report.