Hillary Clinton Fires Back at Jeb Bush for Supporting Brother's Iraq Policies

Jeb Bush uncharacteristically supported his brother's policies.

“I do think it’s a little bit surprising to hear Jeb Bush talk about this,” Clinton said Friday to a crowd of roughly 400 people at a town hall meeting in Dubuque, Iowa, while discussing Iraq. "You know, he expects the American people to have a collective case of amnesia.”

Clinton’s foreign policy adviser, Jake Sullivan, told reporters Bush’s speech was a “pretty bold attempt to rewrite history and reassign responsibility.”

Jeb Bush’s campaign quickly responded to Clinton’s claim, with a video, titled “Hillary Clinton: A Case of Amnesia,” that includes a 2011 news report discussing Clinton’s support of the removal of the troops.

Notably, Clinton did make more mentions of George W. Bush than she typically does. So much so, that at one point she even appeared to accidentally mix the two brothers up.

“When George W. Bush. Oh." Clinton said, pausing to correct herself. "I confuse. Jeb Bush."

As the audience erupted in laughter, Clinton just shrugged and said, “Oh well.”