Hillary Clinton Meets the Ex-Janitor Who Donated $1,000 to Campaign

He scrimped and saved to donate to her campaign.

As ABC News first reported, Boston, a 34-year-old, Little Rock native, budgeted and saved up, cutting back on things like groceries and haircuts over the past year so he could make the $1,000 donation to Clinton's campaign.

"I just had to kind of think of a way to make it happen, and so I just said, ‘Well I need to just start budgeting,’” the former janitor, who now works a day job as a collections agent and a night job as a switchboard operator, said in an interview with ABC News in July.

After reading his story, Clinton invited Boston to her fundraiser on Monday.

(He was so excited about it that he drove by the house where the fundraiser was being held the day before the event just to make sure he knew how to get there.)

Following the fundraiser, Boston told ABC News about the moment he met Clinton, who, he said, recognized him immediately.

"I went to shake her hand and started to say 'Secretary Clinton' and she just yelled out 'Marquis!' he said.

Clinton then thanked Boston for his donation and told him how his story made her "smile."

"I told her that when things get hard on the campaign trail, she should always think about that story to remind her that there are people out there supporting her and cheering for her,” Boston said.

Boston brought with him an old TIME magazine that Clinton was on the cover of, which she signed for him.

He left the fundraiser -- which was held at the home of Kaki Hockersmith, the woman who redecorated the Oval Office for the Clintons while they were in the White House -- before her remarks because he had to get to work.

But even with his night shift at the Little Rock Marriott ahead of him, Boston was over the moon.

"Oh my god," he told ABC News that night about the meeting. "It was amazing."