Hillary Clinton Proposes $2 Billion Plan to End ‘School-to-Prison Pipeline'

Clinton will announce the proposal during a speech on race in Harlem.

Clinton is expected to announce the proposal during a speech on race this afternoon at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem. She will call for an end to zero-tolerance discipline policies in schools, which she says disproportionately affects African American children and has helped lead to the country’s mass incarceration problem.

Clinton’s plan is part of her new "Breaking Down Barriers” agenda, which includes an investment of $20 billion to create youth jobs, $5 billion in reentry programs for formerly incarcerated people and $25 billion to help entrepreneurship and small business growth in low-income communities.

"My campaign is really about breaking every barrier because I believe absolutely that America can't live up to its potential unless every individual has the opportunity to live up to theirs,” Clinton said during the meeting.