Hillary Clinton Rips Donald Trump as ‘Someone That Does Not Hold Women in High Regard’

Clinton addressed the Planned Parenthood Action Fund in D.C.

Clinton argued Trump "has no idea what's best” for women.

“And after all this, this is a man who has called women pigs, dogs and disgusting animals. Kind of hard to imagine counting on him to respect our fundamental rights,” she said.

Clinton continued: “Anyone who's so casually agrees to the idea of punishing women like it was nothing to him, the most obvious thing in the world. That's someone that does not hold women in high regard. If he did, he would trust women to make the right decisions for ourselves.”

Back in March, Trump told MSNBC during a townhall that women who undergo abortions should be punished if the procedure was banned. Trump walked back these remarks just hours after the MSNBC townhall aired.

The former secretary of state and former first lady also promised to “unify” the country and stop Trump.

“We are not going to break that highest and hardest glass ceiling. We'll break down all the barriers that hold women and families back,” she said.

Planned Parenthood endorsed Clinton for president in early January. It was the first time the non-profit has backed a candidate in a primary and came after recent efforts by Republicans to defund the organization.