Hillary Clinton Says Scott Walker Thinks He's 'Some Kind of Tough Guy on His Motorcycle'

In Wisconsin, Clinton didn't hold back on her attacks against Scott Walker.

— -- The campaign's kicked into high gear.

“It seems to me, just observing him, that Governor Walker thinks because he busts unions, staves universities, guts public education, demeans women, scapegoats teachers, nurses and firefighters, he is some kind of tough guy on his motorcycle. A real leader,” Clinton said Thursday night at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee during her first visit to Walker's home-state as a presidential candidate. "Well that is not leadership folks. Leadership means fighting for the people you represent.”

“What happened?” Clinton asked, after saying she’s always admired Wisconsin for its “progressive spirit.”

“There’s one particular candidate who just seems to delight in insulting women every chance he gets,” Clinton remarked. “I have to say, if he emerges, I would love to debate him."

Clinton did not mention Sanders at either of her events -- instead focusing squarely on the Republicans.

“You will not hear the Republicans say anything about mass incarceration," Clinton said, "And you will not hear them say black lives matter."

Following her rally, Scott Walker took to Twitter to respond to Clinton's attacks, posting a series of three tweets -- one in which included a defense of his favorite mode of transportation.

"Hillary Clinton mocking Governor Walker for riding a Harley is quite the elitist comment coming from someone who admits she hasn't driven a car since 1996," Scott Walker spokesperson AshLee Strong said in a statement, too.

ABC News' Jordyn Phelps contributed to this report.