Hillary Clinton Shifts Focus to Donald Trump in New Attack Ad

The television ad will begin airing this week in New York City.

The 30-second spot, titled "Stronger Together," will begin airing in New York City early this week and is part of an existing, high six-figure ad buy in the city, according to a campaign aide.

During the ad, a voiceover shows footage of Donald Trump while mentioning his proposed ban on Muslims from entering the United States, his recent comments about punishment for women who have abortions, and his remarks about Mexicans.

It then cuts to footage of Clinton at a recent campaign event criticizing Trump. "Donald Trump says we can solve America's problems by turning against each other. It's wrong, and it goes against everything New York and America stand for," she says.

The new spot follows an ad the Clinton campaign released last week titled "New York," which also focused on the Republican frontrunner, but did not specifically mention his name.

Both ads will be airing simultaneously in New York City.