Hillary Clinton Testing Out New Strategy Against Bernie Sanders – But Will It Work?

But will it work?

Nothing’s stuck with voters, however, and Clinton left New Hampshire forced to grapple with both her bruising 22-point loss in the state’s primary and one existential question: How do you stop the Bern?

The answer, perhaps, nobody knows. But, as Clinton takes her message beyond the two early voting states, she's giving yet another strategy a shot -- now casting her opponent as a Marco Rubio-esque robot who can only engage on one-issue, and as anti-President Obama.

The remarks refer to Sanders' laser focus on the rigged economy and corruption in politics -- a simple message that, so far, has resonated with his supporters. (Clinton herself co-opted the exact same "rigged economy" line in her own opening remarks at the last debate.)

“The kind of criticism that we've heard from Sen. Sanders about our president, I expect from Republicans. I do not expect from someone running for the Democratic nomination to succeed President Obama,” she said at the debate on Thursday.

She doubled down the next day showering President Obama with praise in South Carolina and Minnesota, while her campaign questioned Sanders' loyalty on Snapchat.

Sanders, however, had a sharp response to this criticism at the debate Thursday, which he called a "low blow."

“Last I heard, a United States senator had the right to disagree with the president including a president who has done such an extraordinary job,” he retorted at Clinton. “This blurb that you talk about…that the next president of the United States has got to be aggressive in bringing people into the political process. That's what I said. That is what I believe.”

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