'Hillary Kitten' and 'Carly Felineorina' Available for On-Demand Cuddle Sessions Today

The Uber Kittens, like “Ben Catson” and “Purrney Sanders,” will see you now.

These D.C.-based kittens aren’t up for election but, through their participation in today’s Uber event, they are up for adoption.

“We are the animal welfare organization in D.C., chartered by Congress, and so I think it’s appropriate for us to play off politics,” Lipsey told ABC News. “We want to highlight our tie to the community which does include politics…it’s just a fun thing and people really get a kick out of the ‘Hillary Kitten’ and ‘Carly Felineorina.’”

The “pawlitician” names given the kittens are only temporary. Hillary Kitten’s actual name is Curby, and Carly Felineorina goes by Peanut. But Lipsey said the kittens’ foster families have been encouraged to play along with the “purr-esidential election.”

If Hillary Kitten and Carly Felineorina don't get your vote, Lipsey has other politically inclined kittens who are also looking for cuddles and adoption. The kitten candidate lineup also includes “Pawnald Trump,” “Ben Catson,” “Purrney Sanders” and “Meowchelle Obama.”

And "Ben Catson" is perched and ready for business.