House Oversight Chair Says Trump Didn't Want to Discuss 'Oversight' in Meeting

Rep. Jason Chaffetz said Trump made the comments at a recent meeting.

Chaffetz said he also discussed his opposition to Bears Ears National Monument, a monument designated in his congressional district by President Obama that Chaffetz called an "abuse of American power."

"He’s naturally inquisitive and he peppered me with a number of questions on all of the topics," he said of Trump.

"He's not going to put a heavy hand in one direction or another. We have a job to do and we're going to do it," Chaffetz said Tuesday.

Asked if he thought Trump was buttering him up, Chaffetz said the meeting wasn't unusual given his position and close relationship with Priebus.

Democrats have pushed Chaffetz to conduct vigorous oversight of Trump's White House and his financial dealings, and his lease of the Old Post Office building in Washington - the site of a Trump International Hotel - from the federal government. They argue that Trump is violating a part of the agreement preventing elected officials from benefiting from a government lease.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.