House Oversight Democrats authorizes subpoenas for Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner's business-related personal emails, text messages

It is unclear when the chairman will issue the subpoenas.

Capitol Hill -- The House Oversight Committee voted on Thursday to authorize subpoenas for business-related personal emails and text messages as part of a wide-ranging investigation into whether senior administration officials broke federal records laws by using private accounts for official purposes.

Among the top targets of the straight party-line vote - President Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, son-in-law Jared Kushner and former senior adviser Steve Bannon, among other officials.

Republicans accused Democrats of "playing politics" before the August recess and argued that Ivanka Trump was complying with the law by turning over documents the committee requested.

The meeting grew heated at times as lawmakers began arguing over Hillary Clinton’s private email use.

"Ivanka Trump is complying with the law," Ranking Member, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said. "Hillary Clinton never did."

Committee chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., says the White House has only turned over a few pages of policy documents, "a commitment to conducting an internal review, and a promise to follow up with us when their internal review concluded."

"To date," Cummings said, "The White House has never given us the results of their internal review and has never given us another document."

The subpoena also include acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and aides on the National Security Council.

It is unclear when the chairman will issue the subpoenas.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner did not immediately respond to ABC News' request for comment.