House Republicans on brink of forcing immigration debate despite GOP leaders' opposition

House GOP on brink of forcing immigration debate despite leadership's opposition

At least 20 House Republicans have now signed onto a petition to force a freewheeling immigration debate in the House, moving moderate Republicans toward the brink of driving a divisive issue to the House floor — one GOP leaders prefer to avoid ahead of the midterm elections.

Reps. John Katko, R-N.Y., and Dave Trott, R-Mich., signed on to the measure, known as a discharge petition, Wednesday. Trott is one of several retiring Republicans who have endorsed the petition, in addition to moderates facing tough reelection bids and others in districts with large Hispanic populations.

“Like I said last week, obviously, we do not agree with discharge petitions,” Ryan, R-Wis., told reporters afterward. “We think they're a big mistake. They disunify our majority.”

If the effort secures 218 signatures, the motion to discharge is placed on a calendar and ripens for consideration on the second or fourth Monday of the month after a seven legislative day layover.

The discharge motion is debatable for only 20 minutes, split equally between proponents and opponents of the measure. If the motion to discharge a bill is adopted, the House would immediately consider the bill itself.

With the threat of the discharge petition, GOP leaders are scrambling to fine-tune the Goodlatte bill in a desperate effort to build a Republican majority.

“That's why we met with the president, to advance a strategy that addresses the issues that our members have, the concerns they have, but doing it in a way where we actually have a process that can get a presidential signature, and not a presidential veto,” Ryan said. “And we're working with our members on that.”

Ryan would also be able to choose any other single piece of legislation to plug the fourth slot in the Queen of the Hill approach.

Under Queen of the Hill rules, if more than one alternative obtains a majority, the winner is the one that receives the greatest number of votes. It is unclear if any of the competing measures would garner a majority.

“We want to advance something that has a chance of going into law, where the president would support it,” Ryan said.

“We believe that this bipartisan bill that the members have put together, who share the value of protecting the DREAMers, is the bill that would win if they would just give us a vote, give us a chance.”

House Republicans used a discharge petition successfully in 2015 to force a vote to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank.

There is no time limit to gather 218 signatures on the discharge petition, but an incomplete effort expires at the end of the 115th Congress next January.

ABC News' Ben Siegel contributed to this report.