House Speaker Paul Ryan under fire for deleted tweet on GOP tax cuts

Ryan has not explained why he deleted his tweet.

Responses flooded in looking to frame Ryan as out of touch and pointing out the disparity between a salary increase of $1.50 per week compared to the massive cuts Republicans passed on to corporations.

Ryan's tweet was soon deleted from the account. A spokesperson for Ryan did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Pelosi responded in a tweet, "Paul Ryan deleted his embarrassing tweet of a blatant admission because he and Republicans don’t want you to know the truth: the #GOPTaxScam is a gift to corporate America and the top 1% at your expense. He also doesn’t want you to know he got $500.000.00 from the Koch family.

Ryan's Democratic challenger almost immediately engaged, and other Democrats similarly piled in an attempt to flip the script after weeks of positive news stories about the effects of the tax cuts.