How HR McMaster's military rank could affect his role as national security adviser

He is the fourth national security adviser to remain on active duty.

It has been done before. McMaster will be the fourth active duty military officer to serve as national security adviser.

There are some challenges that an Army three star general could face in the role while remaining on active duty.

ABC News looks at some of the potential issues facing McMaster.

The National Security Council

Originally a small staff, over the last few decades the National Security Council has ballooned in size to several hundred employees.

Its staffers are typically detailed from the military or relevant agencies to work in their field of expertise.

National security advisers have typically been civilians, though three military officers previously served in the role.

Though Senate confirmation is not required for the post, Powell had a confirmation hearing so he could retain his three star rank.

The White House said McMaster will remain on active duty during his tenure. But if he wants to serve in the role as a three star general, a Senate Armed Services Committee aide told ABC News Tuesday, "the law requires that Gen. McMaster would have to be reappointed by the president and [confirmed] by the Senate in that grade for his new position."

Otherwise, to avoid Senate confirmation, the aide said, McMaster "could serve as national security adviser in his permanent rank of major general [two stars] or retire. Neither of those require any Senate action."

McMaster's role

Judging by the service of his active duty predecessors, McMaster's rank will not be an impediment in dealing with officers of superior rank.

McMaster's main task will be to coordinate the administration's foreign policy and national security decisions among the relevant agencies of the federal government.

His rank will not affect their relationship to the national security adviser, who reports directly to the president. That level of access will allow McMaster to voice his opinions freely and directly to the commander in chief, which should not be a stretch for McMaster, who is known as an independent thinker willing to speak his mind.

His career path regained an upward trajectory after success in stabilizing the northern Iraqi city of Tal Afar and developing counterinsurgency strategy.

In his new role, McMaster will probably demonstrate some of his candor with respect to Russia, whose military moves in recent years he has viewed warily.

ABC News' Ali Rogin contributed to this article.