Iowa Caucuses Draw Celebrities to the Campaign Trail

Hollywood comes to the Hawkeye State to rally voters before the caucuses.

“Wow, Iowa’s crazy, man,” Hutcherson, 23, told a crowd of several thousand at a Sanders rally Saturday night in Iowa City. “I’m here because I’m Bernie, and I think you guys are all here for the same reason, obviously. You know, I feel like right now this is what we need; we need this revolution.”

Joining Hutcherson at the mega-event were members of indie band Vampire Weekend, Matt Foster from the band Foster the People and singer Jill Sobule.

Yes, Hollywood came to the Hawkeye State in the final days before the first official presidential nominating contest of 2016 with candidates hoping to use some star power to propel them over the finish line.

“Seeing that Josh Hutcherson was going to be there was a big deal for me,” said Alicia Freiburg, 20, a “Hunger Games” fan and student at the University of Iowa who attended the Sanders rally in Iowa City.

“It made it seem like the caucus isn’t just for the old folks,” she told ABC News, “it’s important for everyone to go out and vote.”

Alyssa Mastromonaco, the former director of scheduling and advance for President Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, said “celebrity adds a bit of excitement and energy.”

“In the days leading up to the caucus or an election, it's not enough if people have come out to see you once,” she said. “You want them to keep coming so you don't lose their attention.”

Certain stars can also help bridge ideological or demographic gaps.

“For someone like Bernie, having a feminist like Susan Sarandon helps send a message. She serves as a validator for him with women who are perhaps on the fence,” Mastromonaco said. “And for Hillary Clinton--when polls say she is struggling with enthusiasm among young people and young women-- getting someone so a part of current culture like Lena Dunham is nothing but upside. People may come out to see Lena, but leave having heard Lena communicate the message being 100 percent Clinton supporters now.”

But stars are voters, too.

It seems he, like the Iowa caucusgoers the stars are meant to convince, is still undecided. On Sunday, Dreyfuss, who once played a Republican senator vying for the White House in “The American President,” was spotted at a Carly Fiorina event, too.

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