Here's What Iowa Congressman Steve King Really Thinks of 7 Likely GOP 2016ers

ABC News’ Jeff Zeleny challenges King to describe likely contenders in one word.

While the outspoken conservative says he’s not picking favorites among the crop of likely Republican candidates just yet, ABC News’ Jeff Zeleny got an early glimpse at King’s 2016 thinking by asking him to offer one-word descriptions of some of the likely Republican candidates.

Here's the exchange between Zeleny and King.

Steve King: I have to think about that a little bit -- consummate businessman.

King: American exceptionalism. Two words again.

King: Faithful Catholic.

King: Constitutionalist.

King: Family success, generational family success.

King: Strong, bold and confident, if I'm going to three words here.

King: I think it would be faithful pastor to America.

For a complete discussion of King’s take on the 2016 field, and to hear why he’s standing by his controversial labeling of undocumented immigrants as “deportables,” check out the full "Power Players" interview at Yahoo.

ABC News’ Tom Thornton and Ali Dukakis contributed to this report.