Jeb Bush Gives a Selfie Lesson Out on the Town in Iowa

Bush has taken on a new, unlikely role: selfie teacher.

— -- When former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush wasn’t sitting down with ABC News’ David Muir, he took on a new, unlikely role: selfie teacher.

During a trip to Casey's General Store Sigourney, Iowa, with Muir on Wednesday, Bush ran into a voter who wanted to take a picture with him -- except he didn't quite know how. As the voter fiddled with the phone, Bush asked, "You want to do a selfie? That looks good except you've got to turn it around."

Bush was in Iowa on Wednesday, the first time he’s visited the state as an official candidate.

Everyone Loves Free Doughnuts

In the morning, Bush met at a quaint house with a group of over 60 Iowans, venturing, as he said, outside of the nation’s capital to another Washington.

"It’s a lot better to be in Washington, Iowa than Washington, D.C.," Bush said.

As white-haired sexagenarians munched on their free doughnuts at picnic tables, Bush stood in the middle, towering over the crowd, making his case.

He garnered applause from the crowd while speaking on religious liberties, saying that religious freedoms were now “under threat.” An “amen” was uttered from the crowd.

He was greeted afterwards by voters taking selfies with him and getting high-fives from both young and old.

But he was only just getting started.


During that trip to Casey’s General Store with Muir, what was to be a photo-op turned into real interaction. As the former governor went on the hunt for shaving cream and a razor (he told us he forgot his), he ran into an older couple who told him approvingly that he didn’t need any luck to win his campaign.

You can view video below of when he met that voter he advised on the selfie, telling him he had his phone turned the wrong way.

“I got flustered,” the voter admitted.

“Don’t think he’ll get invited to Fallon," Bush said, in reference to his appearance on "The Tonight Show" the night before.

When a pickup truck pulled up as Bush was leaving the store, he hustled over for quick conversation.

All Riled Up

At his last event, a town hall in Pella, Iowa, with hundreds of attendees, the crowd seemed enchanted with Bush's plans for tax simplification and re-edification of the defense budget.

And then, a voter questioned what she called Bush’s shaming of single moms in his 1995 book “Profiles in Character” and the “scarlet letter law” passed under Bush’s tenure that required women who wanted to put a child up for adoption but didn’t know who the father was to post an ad in the newspaper with their personal information and details of when and where conception may have occurred. Bush didn't respond directly, but instead condemned uninvolved fathers.

Earlier, he said of the pope and his statements on climate change, "I don’t go to Mass for economic policy or for things in politics. I’ve got enough people helping me along the way with that."

But voters here seemed unaffected, impressed by the man they could finally consider a candidate.

Beverly Donnelly, of West Des Moines, told ABC News, “My first impression is that he’s very quick on his feet, very authentic, to the point.”

Kipp Ulferts, from Pella, whose wife proudly showed off a photo of her two boys with Bush, said, “He’s a smooth talker, a politician. [I] was really impressed that he was governor of Florida for eight years, it is a purple state. ... [I] think we need someone that can really close or bridge that gap.”

Gone was the loser of 1994 who didn’t win his first gubernatorial bid. Even Bush himself admitted it on Wednesday, describing his younger self as “the brash young passionate candidate [who] didn’t show his heart.”

But now, he said, he’s determined to win, and has said he is not resting on his name or the presidents in his family as an easy way in.

“I’m going to earn it!” he proclaimed. The crowd stood and cheered.