Jeb Bush's 'Bush' Problem Hasn't Gone Away

Jeb Bush's family still hangs over his campaign.

Seated in the back row, Dorene Oliver muttered audibly, "Not changing your last name."

"That's not a mistake," Bush shot back. "I'm proud of my family."

"I can understand you being proud of your dad," Oliver chimed in. "I'm very proud of my dad."

In distinguishing himself, Bush initially pushed back on the notion that he'd be more of the same.

"I'm my own man," he often proudly declares on the trail, all while standing under his campaign banner, which conspicuously lacks his last name.

Yet, in the events that followed, as he courted voters and talked policy, he could not escape the shadow of his famous family.

In Muscatine, as with several other stops, a voter asked how his father was doing.

"Strong as a goat," Bush replied, to laughter.

But some questions aren't so friendly. He's been asked about his brother's proclivity for spending, one voter in New Hampshire once asking Bush to assure him that he wouldn't be more of the same.

It is a real concern, especially in Iowa, the first state in the nation to hold a caucus. In a Bloomberg Politics focus group, conducted in Iowa and New Hampshire, some voters described Bush as “over-rated,” “typical politician,” “way out of touch” and as having “a lot of baggage.”

And while participants said they were impressed by his Florida record, many did not see that as being reason enough to put him in the Oval Office, a crushing blow to the Bush campaign, the crux of which hinges on the experience and leadership they say Bush is proven to have.

But, at least one Iowa voter disagrees.

"He's got a good record in Florida and he needs to bring that out, he needs to let people know." Ms. Oliver said told ABC News after the event. " "The speech he gave today was phenomenal, I thought."

"I just remember his brother being in and I thought to myself, 'Gosh I hope we don't get another Bush,'" she said. "But this one is just totally different."

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