What John Kasich Needs to Do After New Hampshire

Kasich exceeded expectations in the New Hampshire primary.

— -- Many people nationwide don’t even know how to pronounce his name.

Kasich and his allies, who had placed all of his electoral chips on the Granite State, snatched a majority of the state’s newspaper endorsements and poured millions of dollars into TV and radio ads.

Still, the New Hampshire victory will certainly keep Kasich’s top donors around. In fact, since 1952, no Republican candidate has received the nomination without a first or second place finish in the Granite State.

"It's a long race. We're going to go through South Carolina, ultimately to the Midwest," Kasich told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on "Good Morning America" today. "This is a long, long race."

Kasich is very popular in his home state of Ohio, where the winner takes all of the state's 66 delegates. Still, the Buckeye State doesn’t vote until March 15, so it’s not clear whether Kasich can survive until then without another victory.

Regardless, the GOP nominating process is far from over, as the New Hampshire primary did little to winnow the GOP field. Most GOP candidates have already pledged to continue their campaigns into South Carolina.

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