Why John Kasich Is Watching Golf Instead of Paying Attention To Donald Trump

The Ohio governor became the 16th candidate to enter the race for the GOP.

Kasich, who became the 16th candidate to enter the race for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination on Tuesday, said that he has been watching golf instead.

“I don’t think about it, George. I have paid no attention to that whole business,” he told ABC News’ Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview.

“I paid a lot of attention to the British Open,” he said. “Glad to see that guy from Iowa won.”

An ABC News/Washington Post poll released on Monday shows Kasich at 2 percent support among registered voters. Trump is dominating the race with 24 percent, followed by Scott Walker with 13 percent and Jeb Bush with 12 percent.

John Kasich, a two-term governor of the critical swing state of Ohio, kicked off his campaign on Tuesday in an already-crowded GOP field.

"It's the challenges that make you better. I have lived through them, and I have become stronger for them, and American has become stronger for them," Kasich said.

Kasich tied for 12th place in Monday’s new ABC News/Washington Post poll. He needs to be in the top 10 in order to be on stage for the first Republican debate in early August.

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