Trump denies there is WH 'chaos' as new chief of staff sworn in

Retired Gen. John Kelly is Trump's new chief of staff.

— -- There's a new chief of staff in town.

Retired Gen. John Kelly was sworn in today as President Trump's most senior staffer in the White House.

Some, however, are pointing to the recent staff shakeups as a sign of turmoil in the Trump administration.

In a tweet that could be seen as a retort to critics, Trump wrote this morning, "No WH chaos!"

At Kelly's swearing-in ceremony, Trump told reporters in the Oval Office, "[Kelly] will do a spectacular job, I have no doubt, as chief of staff. What he's done in terms of homeland security is record shattering."

He added, "I want to congratulate you on having done a fantastic job, general, and we look forward to — if it's possible — an even better job as chief of staff."

Kelly, 67, is a retired Marine four-star general and former head of U.S. Southern Command.

After the swearing-in, he joined a Cabinet meeting at the White House, where praise from Trump continued.