Kasich Laughs Off Pro-Cruz Super PAC Attacks Ahead of Wisconsin Primary

“I think it’s funny,” the Ohio governor said.

The group released a 30-second ad titled "Kasich Won't Play" that accuses the Ohio governor of having a "liberal record."

The Ohio governor looked ahead, past Tuesday's Wisconsin primary, to contests in New York and Pennsylvania where the he believes he'll be successful.

"We’re very excited about heading to New York," the Ohio governor said. "We're virtually tied with Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. We're starting to get to more home turf for me."

Kasich's hopes of winning the Republican nomination rest on a contested convention, but under the last [or 2012] convention's rules, the Ohio governor would not be eligible.

The party's rule 40(b) requires a candidate to win a majority of delegates in at least eight states in order to be nominated on the floor of the convention. So far Kasich has only won his home state of Ohio.

"I'm not going to spend time on process," Kasich said, dismissing the rule. "We just have to keep going and we're going to have an open convention. It's going to be so much fun."

Kasich reinforced why he believes he'll come out on top in a contested convention.