Kasich on Trump's tweets against 'Morning Joe' hosts: 'The coarseness is not acceptable'

Ohio's GOP governor said he hopes Trump's family will get him to 'knock it off.

Kasich joked though that bipartisan outrage over the tweets is a rare area of agreement amid the currently sharp partisan divide in politics.

“It’s one of the few things that’s brought Republicans and Democrats together. They spend so much time fighting and then they’re all aghast," he said.

"It’s just not the way we ought to be,” Kasich said of the tweets. “The coarseness is not acceptable.”

“But I think in Washington we have bigger issues than people being outraged by someone else’s tweet,” he added. “They need to look themselves in the mirror and figure out whether they’re serving the country or they’re serving their party or their own interests.”

When asked if the president should apologize for his tweets against Scarborough and Brzezinski, Kasich said, “I mean, I would, but I’m not him. I’m me.”

See more of Gov. Kasich’s interview with Martha Raddatz on "This Week" Sunday.