Kellyanne Conway Says It's 'Disappointing' Some GOP Leaders Are Not Voting for Donald Trump

She added that they were hearing "reports" of some voting problems.

"It's very personally disappointing," Conway said, adding that "we were all there for them."

"And the irony for Donald Trump is, he's been able to grow this party in places and among voter groups without having the full support of some of these elected officials," Conway added, saying Trump is "poised to win states that neither Romney nor McCain won."

In a radio interview with Howie Carr this evening, Trump himself appeared frustrated by some prominent Republicans not voting for him.

“It's just absolutely insane," he said of Lindsey Graham apparently voting for third-party candidate Evan McMullin. "... Look I beat him very badly in the primaries. He didn’t even register in the primaries. He was terrible. He was so terrible. He was easy pickings. And rather than manning up, he goes and does a thing like that. I think it’s terrible."

Trump also hit at George W. Bush for saying he left his ballot blank. "Well, I think it’s sad. I think it’s sad," he said.

In response to being asked whether the Trump campaign had heard reports of the possibility of problems at voting sites -- an issue Trump brought up regularly toward the end of his campaign -- Conway told Stephanopoulos they were "hearing reports of some, but nothing that's tangible enough to me to raise flags."

"But we do have folks giving reports anecdotally," Conway said. "We also have a lot of positive information from the polling places today. Very long lines of people in their full Trump regalia...."

Conway said they are expecting a "record turnout in some places."

"That's a great sign for the health of democracy," Conway added. "But we will assess that, as it comes due. If it comes due."