Kentucky Senate Race 2014: ABC News' '14 For 14'

Kentucky Senate Race 2014

— -- ABC News' "14 For 14" project is documenting 14 races that matter between now and November. This page will be updated throughout the year. See the full list of 2014 midterm election contests the ABC News political team is tracking.



No doubt about it: The Kentucky Senate race will be the most watched 2014 contest of them all, and the stakes could not be higher. It is a rare occurrence that a congressional leader in the House or Senate is ousted, but with McConnell’s favorability ratings in the state low, Democrats see the opportunity of a lifetime in the Bluegrass State. While McConnell was mired in his primary, Grimes was able to fundraise without spending that much money and stay out of their fight. That seems like all good news for Grimes, but McConnell has been fighting a ferocious battle for months and now has just begun to turn his fire on Grimes, and may be more battle ready. For Democrats, a Grimes win would represent a vindication of their strategy to try to lay all the blame for Washington, DC dysfunction at McConnell’s feet, as well as portraying him as the ultimate “Washington insider.” It will be difficult, if not impossible, to topple the senate minority leader, but Democrats see the numbers and are buoyed. McConnell won’t go down without a fight like we’ve never seen before, and this will be the brawl of 2014.





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