Kimmel calls out Trump for 'most ridiculous claim of his presidency'

Kimmel said he was shocked by Trump's latest comments on Russia.

Comedian Jimmy Kimmel said President Trump made "the most ridiculous claim of his presidency" on Tuesday when he told reporters that "nobody's been tougher to Russia" than he has.

"Even though he is in deep in the middle of this Russia collusion-palooza right now, he took time to make one of -- if not the most -- ridiculous claim of his presidency," Kimmel said during his opening monologue on "Live."

"And even while he was talking about how tough he's been on Russia -- a country that unquestionably tried to tamper with our election -- he left the door wide open to a friendly relationship with good ol' Vlad Putin," Kimmel added.

Trump addressed his relationship with the Russian president in a White House meeting with Baltic leaders Tuesday afternoon.

"Getting along with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Now, maybe we will and maybe we won't. And probably nobody's been tougher to Russia then Donald Trump," he said. "And just about everybody agrees to that except very stupid people."

Trump demurred when a reporter asked if he considered Putin to be a friend or foe to the U.S.

"We will find out," Trump said. "I will let you know. It'll be a time when I let you know. You're going to find out very quickly. Let's see what happens."