First lady Melania Trump speaks about power of the golden rule at UN luncheon

The first lady focused her speech on vulnerable children.

The "most important and joyous role I've ever had is to be a mother to my young son," she said.

This speech revisited her campaign promise to combat cyberbullying. She said that she would be reaching out to her fellow first spouses at the luncheon for their guidance in the coming months and also called on social media leaders for their help.

"Together we must acknowledge that all too often it's the weakest, most innocent and vulnerable among us, our children, who ultimately suffer the most from the challenges that plague our societies," she said.

She stressed the important role parents play in building the future leaders of tomorrow.

"We claim our responsibility from the next generation," she said.

"Make no mistake: this will always begin with us coming together to embrace parenthood's noble calling," she added.

At one point in her roughly 7-minute speech, she talked about how she lives by and honors the golden rule and the idea that people should treat each other the way they would like to be treated.

"By our own example, we must teach children to be stewards of the world they will inherit," she said.

"As adults, we are not merely responsible, we are accountable," she added.