Laura Bush ‘Shocked’ at Initial Barbara Bush Hesitancy to Support Jeb Bush’s White House Bid

The former first lady is interviewed on "This Week"

“I was shocked,” Bush told ABC’s Jonathan Karl during an interview Wednesday, adding that she disagreed with the Bush family matriarch’s comments in 2013, but also making clear that she had no intention of making her aware of that fact.

“Do you think I would tell my mother-in-law something?” she said with a smile.

“I think that's not really realistic, for one thing. We're a very wealthy nation. We're a blessed nation and I think it's morally improper for us not to save lives if we can,” she said.

During her several trips to Africa, the former first lady has established herself as a strong proponent of women’s rights through the Bush Institute in Dallas. One of her newer initiatives is to teach first women around the world how to empower other women and children in their countries.

“We’ll see,” she said.