Lessons From the Losers: 5 Big Political Don’ts of the 2014 Midterm Elections

Here's how not to campaign.

— -- Republicans are set to march into a new session of Congress with the Senate majority well in hand. But despite the outcome, candidates on both sides of the partisan divide made mistakes.

The Note: Shellacking 2.0

Five Winners and Losers From the Midterm Elections

A Fresh Blast of Discontent Reshapes the Political Order

Here are five big don’ts future candidates might take from the past election cycle:

1. Don’t plagiarize.

2. Have an answer for whether you voted for the president.

3. Don’t make an ad showing a wheelchair when your opponent is paralyzed.

4. Don’t hide from the campaign trail and media.

The worst campaign of 2014? According to FiveThirtyEight and ABC News' Matthew Dowd, that would be Michigan Republican Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land. Land was accused by a long list of Michigan reporters of hiding from the media and her state’s voters, refusing to advertise her campaign events ahead of time and literally running away from journalists. Democratic candidate, Rep. Gary Peters, defeated Land on Tuesday.

5. Don’t forget to live (or at least show up) in the district and state you’re running in.