Lincoln Chafee Drops Out of Presidential Race

The presidential candidate announced that he is suspending his campaign.

With his announcement, now only three Democratic contenders remain: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley.

"I pretty much made the decision last weekend," Chafee said after his remarks at the DNC Women's Forum. "I'm a deliberative person. I always take my time with decisions."

He had also previously served as a U.S. senator and the mayor of Warwick, Rhode Island, and on the campaign trail talked most about his voting record and accomplishments in Rhode Island. During his campaign announcement, he made headlines for advocating to switch to the metric system, saying that the U.S. should “join the rest of the world and go metric.”

Chafee ended his remarks saying, "Thank you and 'Go Democrats' in 2016!" He said he has no plans to endorse a candidate at the moment, but will “definitely” support the nominee.

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz thanked the governor for his public service and called him a "class act."

ABC News' Ryan Struyk and Alana Abramson contributed to this report.

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