Election 2020 updates: Trump ends long day rushing through final rally in Minnesota

Trump and Biden both campaigned in three Midwestern states Friday.

With four days until Election Day, and President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden racing toward Nov. 3, more than 82 million Americans have already cast their ballots -- an early voting record.

Friday brings both Trump and Biden to Minnesota and Wisconsin, revealing how crucial the states are to both campaigns, with the contest overshadowed by coronavirus cases rising there and in nearly every battleground state.

The president's aggressive, defensive strategy -- visiting states he won in 2016 including a first stop in Michigan this afternoon -- comes as polls show him trailing nationally and in swing states key to his reelection hopes. Vice President Mike Pence returns to Arizona for a pair of rallies in Flagstaff and Tucson.

Biden will see his busiest travel day to date of the general election. With a stop in Iowa, too, it's the first time the former vice president has made plans to campaign in three states in one day for the 2020 cycle. Running mate California Sen. Kamala Harris is in Texas as Democrats play offense and sense an opportunity to snatch the GOP-stronghold for the first time in more than four decades.


Trump speaks for just 21 minutes at final rally of the night in Minnesota

Prone to speaking for over an hour at rallies, a clearly annoyed President Trump delivered a monotone speech for just 21 minutes to 250 supporters gathered outside in 40-degree weather at his final rally of the night in Minnesota.

Without the large, raucous crowd that the president typically feeds off of, Trump sped through his prepared remarks and stuck to the prompter as the sun set behind him.

Per state guidelines, the outdoor rally was limited to 250 people max, so long as social distancing could be maintained. As soon as he stepped on stage, Trump attacked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison for the limited crowd.

"As you know, there are at least 25,000 people who wanted to be here tonight," Trump said. "Your far-left Democrat Attorney General Keith Ellison and your Democrat governor tried to shut down our rally, silence the people of Minnesota and take away your freedom and your rights."

Trump, who spoke to an overflow crowd prior to the Minnesota rally, addressed those supporters. "I want to thank the thousands of people outside who were barred from entry by radical Democrats," he said.

The president then continued to attack Ellison, as well as former Vice President Joe Biden, claiming that "they want to imprison you in your homes while letting anarchists, agitators and vandals roam free as they destroy your cities and states."

But on Nov. 3, he continued, "The people of our nation are going to be heard like never before. It's already begun. People are already starting to find out what's happening. Because they're going to show up and vote in record numbers, and you have already started to see what's going on and they are getting very concerned."

Before unexpectedly ending, Trump, who lost Minnesota in the 2016 election, thought about what he could have done differently to win the state then.

"One more stop. I should have come one more time, just one more time," he said. "But you know what? It's not going to matter because we're going to have an even bigger victory on Nov. 3."

-ABC News' Terrence Smith and Will Steakin

Pence calls Biden 'Trojan horse' for progressive Democrats at last stop in Arizona

Vice President Mike Pence wrapped up his day in Arizona with a rally in Tucson, where he told a crowd of roughly 500 gathered on the tarmac of Tucson International Airport that in "four more days, it's going to be four more years" of a Trump presidency.

In addition to his standard stump speech, Pence mentioned recent reporting from Politico that Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are interested in joining Joe Biden's cabinet, using it to further his argument that Biden would only be a "Trojan horse" for progressive Democrats.

"Joe Biden would be nothing more than a Trojan horse for the radical left," he said. "I mean, they're already talking about cabinet appointments. Maybe you read about that. I'm hearing that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are looking to be on the cabinet, and drive America's policies to the left."

Pence also criticized Sen. Kamala Harris for her vote against President Donald Trump's USMCA trade deal, accusing his opponent of putting her "radical environmental agenda" first.

"Kamala Harris was one of only 10 members of the Senate to vote against the USMCA. She said it didn't go far enough on climate change. I mean, Arizona, you deserve to know Joe Biden's running mate put her radical environmental agenda ahead of Arizona jobs and ahead of American workers," he said.

-ABC News' Justin Gomez

Trump criticizes Minnesota governor for limiting crowd size

President Donald Trump visited the largely maskless overflow crowd, which may be larger than the crowd for the rally itself, before his last rally of the day in Rochester, Minnesota.

Speaking to reporters, he continued to blast Gov. Tim Walz, calling it a "disgrace" for him to limit the crowd size to 250 people and saying he's a "weak governor" who has done a "terrible job."

"You got thousands of people that are injured by this," he said. "They spent hours and hours, maybe even days -- a couple of days. You got 25,000 people. It’s a disgrace."

He added, "So we’re going to get back in and speak to 250 people."

-ABC News Elizabeth Thomas

Kamala Harris joined by Beto O'Rourke, Julian Castro at 2nd Texas stop

Sen. Kamala Harris made a second stop in Texas on Friday evening, where she was joined on stage by former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke and former San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro at a drive-in rally in McAllen.

The Democratic vice presidential candidate gave her typical stump speech drawing contrast between Joe Biden and President Donald Trump on multiple fronts, with emphasis on what she described as Biden's ability to unify Americans. 

"Joe Biden, in his heart, knows who we really are as America. Joe Biden, in his heart, knows that regardless of where you live, your race, your gender, your age, the language your grandmother speaks -- Joe Biden knows that the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us. And it is time that we reject hate and division, and unify as a country. There are clear choices," she said.

-ABC News' Averi Harper

Biden argues Trump’s presidency has hurt jobs in Iowa

Returning to the state for the first time since campaigning in the Iowa caucuses, Biden made his argument against Trump’s handling of COVID-19 directly to Iowan voters at a drive-in rally this afternoon, emphasizing the jobs lost in Iowa because of, he said, Trump’s unwillingness to deal with the pandemic.

“Eighty-two thousand Iowa jobs lost in the pandemic, and still, they've not come back. Seventy-thousand jobs lost in Iowa since Donald Trump became president. Here at the fairgrounds, the Iowa State Fair cancelled for the first time since World War Two. Donald Trump has given up," Biden said to honking horns of support.

The former vice president repeated his campaign promise that he wouldn’t raise taxes on those making less than $400,000 a year, but said big corporations -- and the president -- will pay their “fair share” in a Biden administration.

"Why should a firefighter, an educator, a nurse, a cop pay at a higher tax rate -- which you do -- than a major multi-billion dollar corporation? Why should you pay more taxes than Donald Trump, who paid $750?" Biden said, referring to a New York Times report. "Well, you ain't going to be gaming the system anymore in a Biden administration. They're going to start paying.”

The race in Iowa is neck and neck with Trump leading by one point according to a Quinnipiac poll published Thursday -- remarkable given that Trump won the state back in 2016 by 10 points. 

While the state only has 6 electoral college votes, it holds a key demographic of Trump's base: farmers. And Biden catered his argument in Des Moines to that key base, arguing he can end trade abuses by China harming their industry, not Trump.

“He [Trump] says, because of, quote, his bailouts, ‘our farmers do better now than when they actually had a farm,’” Biden said. “Look, I'll do what he's been unable to do. I'll mobilize a true international effort to stop China's abuses, so we can strengthen manufacturing and farming in Iowa and across the country.”

In 2016, Trump’s strength in rural counties propelled his victory in Iowa, which saw the largest swing away from Democrats among the six states that flipped from former President Barack Obama to Trump. But Biden also made clear his close relationship to Obama, reminding Iowans they led them to the White House in 2008 and 2012.

"You, too, have a sacred duty -- a duty to vote. It matters," Biden said. "Iowa matters."

-ABC News’ Lauren Lantry contributed to this report.