Trump, Biden clash in final debate on COVID-19 response, health care, race

Highlights from the final presidential debate before Election Day.

President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee, faced off in the final presidential debate of the 2020 election cycle from Belmont University in Nashville on Thursday night, marking the candidates’ last chance to pitch themselves to tens of millions of voters in primetime before Nov. 3.

The stakes were high: Trump needed to make his case as polls show him trailing nationally and in several battleground states key to his reelection hopes. At the same time, Biden had a platform to solidify his lead and avoid any major mistakes with Election Day just 12 days away.

Biden spent the week hunkered down in Wilmington, Delaware, to prepare -- what he's done before other debates -- while Trump had seemingly done less to prepare, telling reporters on Wednesday, "I do prep, I do prep," without elaborating. Earlier this week Trump said that answering journalists' questions is the best kind of preparation.

Thursday's debate was supposed to be the candidates' third matchup but is instead the second of only two presidential debates this election. Trump refused to participate in the second debate when it was moved to a virtual format following his COVID-19 diagnosis. The candidates ultimately participated in dueling town halls instead.


Biden and Trump on shutdowns

Biden responded to concerns that another shutdown could harm the economy, already hurting from closures caused by the pandemic.

"I'm going to shut down the virus, not the country," he said. "It's his ineptitude that caused the virus -- caused the country to have to shut down in large part. Why businesses have gone under, why schools are closed, why so many people have lost their living and why they're concerned."

After attacking Trump for golfing during the pandemic, Biden said he hadn't ruled out additional shutdowns if necessary.

"You need standards," he said. "The standard is if you have a reproduction rate in a community that's above a certain level, everybody says slow up. More social distancing. Do not open bars and do not open gymnasiums."

In rebuttal, Trump criticized Democratic governors in several states for shutting down in response to the pandemic.

"They're shut down so tight and they're dying," he said. "They're dying. And he supports all these people. All he talks about is shutdowns. No, we're not going to shut down. And we have to open our schools."

In an example of how young people have better outcomes with coronavirus, the president mentioned his son Baron who tested positive.

"By the time I spoke to the doctor the second time, he was fine. It just went away. Young people -- I guess it's their immune system," he said.

Trump: People 'learning to live' with COVID-19; Biden: People 'learning to die with it'

Trump and Biden have contradictory views on the president's handling of the pandemic with Trump asserting he's done better than any other world leader and Biden claiming he's done "virtually nothing."

Trump's insisted again that the pandemic is "going away," touting his administration's efforts on therapeutics and vaccines.

"I don't think we're gonna have a dark winter at all," Trump said. "I say we're learning to live with it. We have no choice. We can't lock ourselves up in a basement like Joe does," drawing a laugh from Biden.

Biden emphasized the lives already lost, making a direct appeal to those at home.

"Number one, he says that we're, you know, we're learning to live with it. People are learning to die with it," Biden said. "You folks home who have an empty chair at the kitchen table this morning, that man or wife going to bed tonight and reaching over to try to touch their -- out of habit where their wife or husband was is gone. Learning to live with it? Come on."

When Trump threatened that Biden would shutdown the country if elected, causing massive economic depression, Biden said, "I'm going to shut down the virus, not the country."

In his first answer, Biden attacks Trump for his handling of COVID-19

In response to a question on how he would lead the country out of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Biden cited the more than 220,000 Americans who had died from the virus.

"Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America," he said.

Biden went on to say that Trump doesn't have a plan for dealing with the virus. He called for mask wearing, and a national policy on mask wearing, more testing and a national policy on reopening schools and businesses.

"I will take care of this. I will end this," Biden said to close out his first answer. "I will make sure we have a plan."

Trump takes first question on COVID-19, repeats virus is 'going away'

Trump tackled the first question on the coronavirus pandemic but stuck to his stance the pandemic is "rounding the corner" and "going away."

"Since the two of you last shared a stage, 16,000 Americans have died from COVID," Welker said. "So please be specific, how would you lead the country during this next stage of the coronavirus crisis?"

"As you know, 2.2 million people modelled out were expected to die," Trump began. "We closed up the greatest economy in the world in order to fight this horrible disease that came from China."

He went on to draw from his personal experience contracting COVID-19, downplaying its side effects and touting the country's therapeutics.

"I can tell you from personal experience that I was in the hospital. I had it. And I got better," Trump said. "And I will tell you that I had something that they gave me, a therapeutic, I guess they would call it, some people could say it was a cure. But I was in for a short period of time and I got better very fast or I wouldn't be here tonight. And now they say I'm immune. Whether it's four months or a lifetime, nobody has been able to say that, but I'm immune."

"It will go away and as I say, we're rounding the turn. We're rounding the corner. It's going away," he added.

No mute button, but mics will be muted

In the wake of that canceled second showdown and a chaotic first debate before it, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced earlier this week it would mute candidates’ microphones at certain points Thursday to avoid interruptions and “maintain order.”

Trump and Biden will now have two minutes each of uninterrupted time to speak at the beginning of each 15-minute segment, of which there are six, in the 90-minute debate.

After the first four minutes of each segment, both of their microphones will go live for an “open-discussion portion,” the commission co-chair said. The moderator will not have control of the candidates' mics at any point. Those will instead be controlled by event production staff.

ABC News Chief Congressional Correspondent Mary Bruce said on ABC News Live Prime ahead of the debate, “Just because your microphone is down, doesn't mean that you necessarily will stop talking.”

Trump has attacked the integrity of the debate commission and its chosen moderators in recent weeks, deeming it all "crazy" and the new mic rule "very unfair” -- but sources have told ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl that some advisers think muting the mics will actually help the president.

Biden, meanwhile, has called the muting of mics "a good idea" and said he’s expecting Trump to fire off personal attacks during their final showdown.

ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos said the big question for Biden, who leads in nationwide polls, is whether he can close the deal with voters from Nashville. For Trump, it's how will he adjusts his performance after the "disastrous" first debate more than three weeks ago.

"Even the president's own aides called his blustering performance a self-inflicted wound," Stephanopoulos said.