Trump, Biden clash in final debate on COVID-19 response, health care, race

Highlights from the final presidential debate before Election Day.

President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee, faced off in the final presidential debate of the 2020 election cycle from Belmont University in Nashville on Thursday night, marking the candidates’ last chance to pitch themselves to tens of millions of voters in primetime before Nov. 3.

The stakes were high: Trump needed to make his case as polls show him trailing nationally and in several battleground states key to his reelection hopes. At the same time, Biden had a platform to solidify his lead and avoid any major mistakes with Election Day just 12 days away.

Biden spent the week hunkered down in Wilmington, Delaware, to prepare -- what he's done before other debates -- while Trump had seemingly done less to prepare, telling reporters on Wednesday, "I do prep, I do prep," without elaborating. Earlier this week Trump said that answering journalists' questions is the best kind of preparation.

Thursday's debate was supposed to be the candidates' third matchup but is instead the second of only two presidential debates this election. Trump refused to participate in the second debate when it was moved to a virtual format following his COVID-19 diagnosis. The candidates ultimately participated in dueling town halls instead.


Trump vs. Biden: On the issues

ABC News has broken down where each candidate stands on some of the key issues:

Election security and integrity

Racial justice



Climate change and the environment

Foreign policy

Early voting hits record numbers across the country 

With early voting having kicked off in all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., at least 47 million votes have already been cast in the 2020 general election as early voting data continues to break records across the country.

In 2016, there was a total of 47 million early votes cast, meaning the country has narrowly passed its 2016 early voting data with 12 days still left.

According to the United States Elections Project, spearheaded by University of Florida's political expert Michael McDonald, as of Thursday at 5 p.m. ET an unprecedented 47,095,528 voters have already cast their ballots and at least 85,133,505 ballots have been requested in early voting states.

TargetSmart, a Democratic firm that collects political data including early voting statistics, reports that 10 million voters who have already voted in the 2020 election did not participate in the 2016 election. Many of these early votes are coming from young voters as well as first time voters with individuals under 30 years old having cast 9.1% of early votes.

During an earlier press conference, TargetSmart predicted that there will still be an additional 40 million early votes as well as between 60-70 million votes on Election Day. Their prediction allots for at least 150 million ballots cast. In comparison, in the 2016 election, there were 138 million total votes.

-ABC News' Kelsey Walsh

Candidates to face off at a social distance between plexiglass partitions

Plexiglas partitions were placed on the debate stage next to each candidates' lectern -- already set up at least 12 feet apart -- as a coronavirus precaution for the second and final presidential debate in Nashville.

According to a source familiar with the debates, the partitions were added under the direction of the Cleveland Clinic as part of its responsibility to keep debate participants safe.

Plexiglass became an issue prior to the vice-presidential debate when the two campaigns squabbled over whether to have physical barriers separate the two candidates.

The insistence on barriers was initially met with resistance by Vice President Mike Pence's team, but they were ultimately used.

Trump slams other countries as 'filthy,' Biden pitches economic benefits of green energy plan

The final topic of the night was climate change with Welker first asking each candidate how he would combat climate change and support job growth at the same time as president. Trump answered first.

"So we have the trillion trees program. We have so many different programs. I do love the environment, but what I want is the cleanest, crystal clear water, the cleanest air," Trump said, taking credit for the country's reduced carbon emission last year.

He went on to slam other counties air-quality and tout the U.S. by comparison.

"Look at China, how filthy it is. Look at Russia. Look at India. It's filthy. The air is filthy. The Paris Accord, I took us out because we were going to have to spend trillions of dollars, and we were treated very unfairly," Trump said, closing his two minutes by saying his administration has done an incredible job "environmentally."

When it was Biden's turn, he pivoted to the existential threat he says global warming poses to humanity and said the U.S. has a moral obligation to "deal with it" -- but said climate change also creates a prime opportunity for new jobs.

"Here's where we have a great opportunity. I was able to get both all the environmental organizations as well as labor, the people worried about jobs, to support my climate plan. Because what it does -- it will create millions of new good-paying jobs," Biden said. "Wall Street firms indicated that my plan -- my plan will, in fact, create 18.6 million jobs, 7 million more than his. This is from Wall Street. And I'll create $1 trillion more in economic growth than his proposal does. Not on climate, just on the economy."

Trump slammed Biden's response, claiming the former vice president's plan would cause a massive economic depression and deeming it a "pipe dream," before raising Biden's stance on fracking.

In the face of Trump's criticisms, Welker asked Biden directly, "Would you rule out banning fracking?"

"I do rule out banning fracking," Biden said. "We need other industries to transition to get to ultimately a complete zero emissions by 2025. What I will do with fracking over time is make sure we can capture the emissions from the fracking, capture the emissions from gas. We can do that and we can do that by investing money. It's a transition to that."

"Excuse me," Trump interrupted. "He was against fracking. He said it. I will show that to you tomorrow."

"Fracking on federal land, I said," Biden responded. "No fracking and/or oil on federal land."