Biden says 'no time to waste' on COVID relief bill

He made brief remarks Saturday after the House passed the legislation.

This is Day 40 of the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.


Tom Vilsack confirmed as secretary of agriculture

The Senate has confirmed Tom Vilsack to serve as secretary of agriculture, in a 92-7 vote.

Sen. Bernie Sanders voted with six Republicans against Vilsack, who had the same role under former President Barack Obama.

-ABC News' Benjamin Siegel

McConnell to support Garland's confirmation as AG

A spokesperson for Republican Leader Mitch McConnell confirmed reports to ABC News that McConnell intends to support the nomination of Merrick Garland to serve as attorney general.

McConnell's support for Garland was first reported by Politico.

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday wrapped up two days of hearings on Garland's nomination. The committee is scheduled to hold a vote on the nomination on March 1.

McConnell's support for Garland is in stark contrast to his 2016 efforts that successfully kept Garland from the Supreme Court bench.

-ABC News' Allison Pecorin

McConnell doubles down against COVID-19 relief proposal

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell doubled down on his position that the COVID-19 proposal from Democrats is far too large, not targeted enough and flies in the face of bipartisanship during a press conference Tuesday.

"We think this is dramatically more money than is required at this particular juncture. It also includes a number of things that have absolutely nothing to do with COVID relief," McConnel said. "And so it will be controversial."

McConnell said his conference is united Tuesday in "opposition to what the Biden administration is trying to do," arguing that Biden, who campaigned as a moderate, has been pushing far-left policies since his administration began, calling Biden's "a totally partisan approach to COVID relief."

-ABC News' Allison Pecorin

Biden announces nomination for director of U.S. Office of Personnel Management

Biden on Tuesday announced Kiran Ahuja as his nominee for director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, where she previously served as chief of staff during the Obama administration.

-ABC News' Molly Nagle

Biden signs executive order to secure US supply chains

Biden signed an executive order Wednesday that will begin a 100-day investigation into vulnerabilities in the supply chain of critical sectors including computer chips, large capacity batteries, active pharmaceutical ingredients and critical and strategic materials, including rare earth minerals.

Biden touted the move as something that will strengthen America for future challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, which revealed myriad flaws in the supply chain.

"This is about making sure the United States can meet every challenge we face in this new era," Biden said. "Pandemics, but also in defense, cybersecurity, climate change, and so much more. And the best way to do that is by protecting and sharpening America’s competitive edge by investing here at home."

In remarks before the signing, he called the subject one of few "where Republicans and Democrats agreed," having met earlier in the day with a bipartisan group of lawmakers.