Biden says 'no time to waste' on COVID relief bill

He made brief remarks Saturday after the House passed the legislation.

This is Day 40 of the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.


Biden's pick for HHS gets praise from Dems, but some are 'not sold'

The first day of hearings for Biden's pick for secretary of health and human services, Xavier Becerra, kicked off with glowing praise from Democrats, who heralded his experience, and criticism from Republicans, who think his resume is a detractor.

Both Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., who introduced Becerra, highlighted his potential to make history as the first Latino to lead the department and his experience leading massive departments and in policy as a congressman for 24 years. But Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., said he is “not sold” Becerra has the “necessary experience or skills to do this job at this moment.”

Becerra, in his opening statement, said he was committed to working in a bipartisan way.

“No one understands your states and communities better than you. We may not always agree, but if I’m fortunate enough to be confirmed, I will always listen to you and keep an open mind, find common cause, and work with you to improve the health and dignity of the American people,” Becerra said.

Becerra laid out his "vision" for the department with three goals: make COVID-19 treatments more accessible, bring down the cost of health care and restore faith in public institutions by putting science first.

-ABC News' Cheyenne Haslett

Biden to thank Black essential workers, meet with Trudeau

On Tuesday afternoon, the president will meet virtually with a group of Black essential workers to thank them for their critical roles during the pandemic.

Then, Biden will participate in his first bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada and after give a statement on the meeting.

3 Biden nominees considered by Senate

Three of Biden's picks for key administration positions have hearings before Senate committees Tuesday.

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will hold a hearing to consider Debra Haaland for secretary of the Interior. If the Senate confirms her as secretary of the interior, Haaland would be the first Native American to serve in a presidential Cabinet and would be the first Native person to oversee an agency that's played a major role historically in the forced relocation and oppression of Indigenous people.

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee will consider Xavier Becerra to serve as secretary of health and human services.

Republican opposition to Becerra has been mounting since Biden announced his nomination in December. On Monday, a group of Republican lawmakers penned a letter to Biden urging him to withdraw Becerra's nomination.

The group of lawmakers, including 11 senators and many more members of the House, argued that Becerra is inexperienced and ill-prepared to guide the agency. Democrats have argued that Becerra has extensive experience in health care policy, first as a congressman who oversaw components of Medicare and then as a defendant of Obamacare as attorney general, using that role to add new focus on the issue.

And the Senate Judiciary Committee will resume its hearing, which began Monday, to consider Merrick Garland for attorney general.

Garland received a fairly warm welcome from both sides of the aisle during Monday's hearing, and a few GOP senators expressed their support for Garland. In the first half of his confirmation hearing Monday, he told senators his first briefing once he takes office at the Justice Department will be on the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol.

-ABC News' Cheyenne Haslett, Allison Pecorin, Luke Barr and Alexander Mallin

US sanctions 2 more Myanmar military commanders

The U.S. Treasury announced sanctions on two more Myanmar military commanders, specifically citing the killing of three peaceful protesters in recent days.

Moe Myint Tun and Maung Maung Kyaw are both generals who were named by the military to join the state administration council, the coup’s new ruling body.

This brings the total number of sanctioned Myanmar officials to 12, and it comes days after the British and Canadian governments followed the Biden administration in sanctioning coup leaders. The European Union’s foreign affairs council announced Monday that it “stands ready to adopt restrictive measures targeting those directly responsible for the military coup and their economic interests” and review Myanmar’s trade status.

“Those directly responsible” have shown no sign of even acknowledging whatever financial pressure these penalties bring -- although it is meant as a message to the millions who have protested in recent days against the coup that the U.S. is actively watching.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated Biden’s call for the military to relinquish power, free political prisoners, and halt attacks on peaceful protests, saying Monday evening in a statement, “We will not hesitate to take further action against those who perpetrate violence and suppress the will of the people. We will not waver in our support for the people of Burma.”

-ABC News' Conor Finnegan

Jan. 6 was 'most heinous attack,' Garland says

Garland described the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol as "the most heinous attack on the democratic processes I have ever seen and one I never expected to see in my lifetime." He added he will make sure to provide career prosecutors all the resources they need to carry out their investigations while also taking a broader look at the symptoms behind the country's domestic extremism problem.

Asked by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., whether the president "has the absolute right to do what he wants with the Justice Department," Garland said presidents are "constrained by the Constitution as are all government officials" and cited comments by Biden committing to not interfere with Justice Department matters. At the same time, Garland said that the Department of Justice is part of the executive branch and because of that, on policy matters they do "follow the lead of the president and the administration as long as it is consistent with the law." When asked who an attorney general represents when his interests conflict with the president's, Garland said the attorney general "represents the public interest, particularly and specifically as defined by the Constitution and the statutes of the United States."

Asked whether the president can order an attorney general to open or close an investigation, Garland said such a question was a hard one for constitutional law but that he did not expect it to be a question for himself given President Biden's statements assuring independence for the department.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., took a contentious tone with Garland in his line of questioning as he pressed him on multiple topics. At one point, when Graham asked Garland whether he thought former FBI Director Comey was a good FBI director, Garland declined to answer, which Graham said he found "stunning" because he thought Comey was terrible. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., pressed Garland on whether he would commit to investigating not only the rioters who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, but those "upstream" like the funders, organizers, ringleaders or others not actually at the Capitol.  Garland cited his past experience as a line prosecutor, noting "we begin with the people on the ground and we work our way up to those who are involved and further involved -- and we will pursue these leads wherever they take us."

Asked about whether he would end the Trump Justice Department's policy of generally stonewalling in the face of oversight requests from Congress, Garland committed to Whitehouse that the department would be "as responsive as possible" to any requests and "at the very least why if it can't answer a question or can't answer a letter." Garland also committed that he would work with Whitehouse on getting answers to the committee on requests that the Justice Department under Attorneys General Bill Barr and Jeff Sessions previously ignored.

In an exchange with Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, Garland committed that his personal politics will have no impact on prosecutions and investigations he oversees as attorney general. Asked what he would do if he was ordered to do something that he considered to be unlawful, Garland said he would first tell the president or whoever else was asking him that what they were ordering was unlawful and would resign if no alternative was accepted.

Asked by Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., what he will do to improve morale in the department, Garland said he would on his first day make an oath to career prosecutors and agents "that my job is to protect them from partisan or other improper motives." Klobuchar then asked Garland whether he believes he'd need "additional authorities" to combat the country's domestic terrorism problem. Garland said while the department "is probably always looking for new tools ... the first thing we have to do is figure out whether the tools that we have are sufficient."

-ABC News' Alexander Mallin